By LTD «Pleskava Garden» and ITMO University
Key partner in organisation
We produce natural apple juice
We are farm and garden
Our farm is a blend of traditional farming in natural conditions and modern food technologies, which provide us with the ability to produce healthy products.
Our juice is made without sugar, preservatives and other artificial additives.
After the juice is produced we receive a lot of apple pomace. We do not want to throw it away. We would like to use it somehow.
Come up with a technology to make any economically advantageous apple pomace product.
Therefore we expect from the proposed solutions:
  • Simplicity of implementation
    The proposed solution should be widely available and/or easy to implement.
  • Economic benefit
    Product must have market potential.
  • Affordability of decision
    The solution should not involve complicated and expensive equipment, participation of expensive and rare specialists.
  • Environmental friendliness
    We’re friends with nature. We’re only going to use environmentally friendly technologies.
All participants will be awarded certificates and juice!
Finalists will receive more serious awards)
  • 1
    Cash prize of 50,000 roubles.
    Hoodie and a box of juice (9 bottles)
  • 2
    Cash prize of 25,000 roubles.
    T-shirts and a box of juice (9 bottles)
  • 3
    Cash prize of 10,000 roubles.
    Shopper bag and a box of juice
Phone: +79213476962
If you register as a team, please write all names of your teammates in the @message@ field. If you are individual participant - ignore